Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The First Day

Preparing your child for the first day of preschool is a very important task. When children are prepared to start school the transition tends to be a smooth one. Here are some tips to help prepare your child for the first day:

Begin talking about school with your child and explain to them how fun and exciting it is going to be.

Attend the orientation on September 2nd

While at the orientation learn about what your child's daily routine will be. This will help you talk about the fun things they will learn.

When attending the orientation bring a digital camera and take pictures of the classroom and teachers.

Take pictures of other important things in the building such as the bathroom, playground and where you will drop and pick up your child.

Print the pictures and put them together to make a book that you can read each night before school begins. (Make the book with your child and let them decorate the pages)

The weekend before school begins bring your child to the school playground. Spend some time becoming familiar with the outside of the building.

Begin getting your child back into a routine. Start going to bed earlier and wake your child up at the time they will need to rise for school. It will be important to continue this routine on the weekend as well

Upon waking up have your child get dressed as soon as they get out of bed and have their breakfast. Just as they would if they were going to school

When you drop your child off on the first day remind them off all the fun things they are going to do at school.

Expect tears on the first day (sometimes the first week) this is all normal. Even if your child is crying stay positive and remind them off all the fun they are going to have.

If your child is having a hard time it is best to leave as quickly as possible. Please remember that the staff is trained to deal with crying students that may be struggling with the transition. We promise to take good care of them.

If you are concerned about your child call the office and check in (781-270-1808) We will be more than happy to check on them and give you an update. Crying tends to stop as soon as the children are settled in the classroom.

Please remember that the transition to school is a process.

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